FCPS Result Check for FCPS Part 1, Part 2 are available here. This year FCPS Part 1 exam was held on 4,5,6 June, 2015. Earlier I have published the details procedure to get PEN card and FCPS form Fill up Procedure.
Check Your FCPS Result | 14 July 2016
Don’t Forget to write you Result in Facebook Comment box to Get Congrats Message from your near and dear ones. Share this page to help your friends to get FCPS Result Early.
You are definitely exhaused after three days of devastating exam. Take some rest. If possible take some holidays, If you fail in this exam dont worry, A small tour with some days vacation will be a good step to move forward. Take holidays, Take vacations. I think you know “Don’t take life so seriously no one gets out alive anyway.”
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